First Week of School

Ever experience that feeling of excited anticipation mixed with slight dread before something begins? I tend to get that feeling on specific occasions and the start of the school year is definitely one of them.

I do my very best to ignore the slight dread because I am 100% sure that the feeling comes from the enemy and I don’t want to entertain ANYTHING he wants to introduce into my life. It seems that whenever we are to enter into something that God has called us to or take the first step in obedience in what we have heard God say, the enemy scrambles and tries to do whatever he can to get us off course. And if he can’t do that then he tries to bring fear to mess with our emotions. BUT because in Christ we are overcomers... because in Christ we have the victory... because in Christ we are covered in pure love which drives out all fear... we know that the enemy loses. We know that as we move past the feelings of slight dread and embrace the excited anticipation as we enter into the “new” we will experience the most beautiful joy of our God!

And THAT is what this first week of school has been for us and our staff... pure JOY! 

Was it hectic? 


Did everything go perfectly? 


Are there areas for growth?


Were there issues with students and parents? 

For sure.

Did kids cry and pee on themselves?

You already know the answer.

 But our days this week have been filled with such joy in all that God is already doing and will continue to do this school year! And this is the way our lives should be lived. No matter what is going on we can have joy unspeakable. Now I hope you know I’m not talking about happy unspeakable... I’m talking about joy. That deep, unwavering hope in the goodness of our God which sometimes manifests in happy and sometimes manifests in quiet contentment knowing that we are victorious even during despair.

So Cornerstone School of Truth year THREE is under way. We have 54 students, 5 classes, 10 full-time staff and so much in store for this year. Pray with us that we would remain in the joy and peace of our God as we follow Him and bring His kingdom to earth in all that we do!