First Week of School

During our last staff meeting before school started we all shared our hopes for this coming school year. A consistent theme voiced was that we would all learn to understand each other and work together in unity. God brought a picture to mind as everyone was sharing – I saw all of the staff members holding hands in a circle with all of the students in the middle. God spoke to my heart that as we stand in unity for these kids that He has placed in our school, then they will be protected. But if we allow division come to come for any reason and drop our hands at any place in the circle, then the children will be vulnerable to attack from the enemy. Unity is on everyone’s heart and so we pray that everyone makes the necessary efforts to maintain a unified culture. Our main desire is for our children to flourish and our staff remaining unified is one necessary component.

With that in mind we have headed into our fourth year of school with Cornerstone School of Truth… wow… so crazy! Jesse has been busy getting the Kindergarten – 2nd grade classes settled into their new schedules and getting the teachers more acquainted with the material. We do school a little differently so Jesse has to do a whole lot of on the job training with the Kindergarten and Elementary staff, especially since two of the teachers are new to the CST family. The Preschool staff has been doing well! With only one new teacher on that team it makes the flow easier since the majority of staff knows what needs to happen. It’s been so great having all our students back and now the school yard and classrooms are flowing with laughter and life once again!

We definitely weren’t 100% prepared, but when does that ever actually happen? Our team has worked beautifully together and we view every school year as a new learning experience. With each new year comes new challenges, new solutions and aaaaaall the growth and refinement. Jesse commented how each year it shocks him how chaotic the first couple days are and then all of a sudden a rhythm begins to happen and everyone knows where they are supposed to be and what they are supposed to be doing. One thing is very true about this first week… it has been messy. Just like most of life, right? So once again we get to make the choice to embrace it all and move forward with what God has called us to do knowing that in the mess God makes beautiful things! One thing we are certain of is that we are creating the space for our students to grab hold of their identity and destiny in Jesus. They each will know that they are loved, that their ideas matter and that their education is important.

Here is to an amazing fourth year of Cornerstone School of Truth!